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Confronting Anxiety

I’m seated on a flight soaring tens of thousands of feet above the ground. The plane abruptly falls several feet and then bounces back up. Suddenly it feels like my heart is racing at the same speed as the aircraft. My hands grip my seat and I feel an uncomfortable sensation rising in my throat.  My mind declares, “I can’t handle this.”

Fostering a Healthy Relationship with Yourself

A healthy relationship with yourself is the foundation for all other relationships. When you don’t have a positive relationship with yourself, other relationships can suffer. But what does a loving relationship with yourself look like? Here are three important ways to foster love for yourself.  

The Power of Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month and a good time to check in on the stressors in your life and how you’re coping with them. Stress is a natural, adaptive, and built-in response that is intended to help us. The Mayo Clinic describes the natural stress response as the following upon encountering a threat:

Dr. Anthony Chambers Expands Upon Recent Rolling Stone Article Feature to Further Discuss Black Couple and Family Relationships

I was fortunate to have been interviewed by Rolling Stone for an article about a TV show called “Harlem”, which is being called the “Black Women’s ‘Sex in the City’. The show discusses the challenges of dating and finding love. The author of the article and I spoke for about an hour. Unfortunately, due to length of the article, much of our conversation had to be cut.

February Panel Discussions: The Disruptors Film

Back in February, The Family Institute at Northwestern University hosted two additional screenings of The Disruptors Film.

True “Self-Care” in 2023: Practices to Support Relational Health

The transition from one year to the next often invites reflection on the last year as a whole. It can be an opportunity to think about what habits of mind, feeling and behavior we might want to leave behind, and which habits we might want to foster and cultivate for a better future. In my work as a couple’s therapist, I specialize in helping my clients foster relational health.

Understanding the Effects of Complex Trauma in Youth 

Gabriel is having a hard time keeping up in school. He falls asleep in class, struggles to focus on his schoolwork, and lashes out at others. What his teacher and classmates don’t know is that Gabriel has been through a lot of adversity during his life. He is tired because he has nightmares about his father, who gets violent when he is angry. He can’t concentrate because images of the car crash that he was in last year keep popping up in his mind. He is alert and on-edge…

Mindfulness Tips- World Mental Health Day

Please consider incorporating one or more of the following mindfulness tips to help as you either begin, reprioritize, or continue your journey with mental health.