We are extremely grateful to the many individuals, families, foundations, corporations and organizations who so generously support The Family Institute.
We would like to thank those who made gifts to The Family Institute between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021.
$75,000 & above
Harris Family Foundation
The Harris Family Foundation Endowment Fund at the Chicago Community Foundation
$25,000 to $74,999
Irving Harris Foundation
Kathleen and Lawrence Sullivan
$10,000 to $24,999
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Crown Family Philanthropies
Jennifer and Andrew Friedman
Jack and Deborah Larson
Adele and Michael Murphy
Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation
Pam and Joseph Szokol
$5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (x2)
Leslie and William Barker
Francis Beidler Foundation
Catherine Lamb-Heinz and William Heinz
Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Family Charitable Trust
John and Mary Raitt Family Foundation
$2,500 to $4,999
Nancy Burgoyne
Amy D. Gray
Neil Jenkins
Andrew D. Keyt
Michael Stelmacki
It is a true privilege to be able to support The Family Institute’s significant work with couples and families as well as children and adults who could not otherwise afford mental health services. The meaningful work impacts outcomes today and for future generations.
$1,000 to $2,499
The American Online Giving Foundation
Jill and Brandon Antoniewicz
Julian and Lisa Coleman
Jim and Sheila Feldman
Kari and William Foote
Kevin and Laurie Gates
Stuart and Debbie Gordon
Catherine F. Humpherys
Lefkovitz Foundation
Nancy and Robert Moss and Family
Katherine and Norman Olson
Amy Paulus
Viviana E. Ploper
Polish National Alliance of the U.S. of N.A.
Cynthia Reusche
Margaret Silberman
Liz Stiffel
Michael and Marilyn Vender
$500 to $999
Stephen W. & Susan M. Baird Foundation
William and Leslie Bennison
H. M. Bitner Charitable Trust
The Chowdy Foundation
Randi F. Cutler
Lois and Stephen Eisen
Lisa and Eddy Eisenberg
Louis Fogel and Tamar Karsh-Fogel
Esther Franklin
Anna Haghgooie
E. Franklin Hirsch
Jana L. Jones
Alice Lamb
Frederick and Lynn Lowinger
Andrew H. Minkus
Malcolm Moore
Anne E. Rossen
Rachel Schrepferman
Bruce and Barbie Taylor
Susan G. TePas
Scott and Cynthia Witten
$250 to $499
Arkes Family Foundation
Dana Bennison
D. Calvert Brand
Susan and Michael Canmann
Anthony L. Chambers
LaRoyce and Minnie Chambers
Courtney Dill
Deborah and Alan Feldman
Jacqueline Gilson
Charles and Mary Gofen
Julianne Johnson
Natasha and Lance Kohan
Gilbert and Carolyn Krulee
Ingried Kubitz
Rita and Lou Maltezos
Sandra and David Matteson
Michelle McMartin and Craig Graddick
Eileen and Chris Murphy
Natalia Pascal and Ronald Ganellen
Peter A. Reiner
Steve Ropers
Mallory C. Rose
Linda R. Rubinowitz
Lynn Sheck
Cindy Sigal
Geralyn and Warren Smith
Darla Stelmacki
Albert Szopinski
Bob Wislow
Kate Young
$100 to $249
Tina Anagnos
Phoebe Anderson
Anonymous (X7)
Marcy Axelrod
Ed and Penny Berman
Sara Bigger
Alisa Blasingame
Paul Brumbach
Mary Pat and Edmund Burke
Jeannine Cleary
Morgan Concepcion
Mary Daniels
Sarah Eversman
Martin and Susan Fine
Nancy Fineberg
Jim Finger
Sarah C. Finnegan
Alfonso Flores
Tracy Flynn
Michael Gentile
John and Jennifer Gerber
Paula Grasso
Albert Guay
Lauren D. Holinger
Judith and Tony Iacuzzi
Sheila Jacobson
Nadia Johnson
Dorothea and Gordon Kane
Kristin Kelly
Emily Klear
Lindsay and Marc Landsberg
Robert Langewisch
Kathleen LaPorte
Matt Lassman
Megan Lassman
Linda Lozier
Maureen and Mike Mohr
Network for Good
Rose O'Neill
Mary Ellen Rapp
Charles and Marilynn Rivkin
Catherine and Bart Rocca
Abbey and Dan Rubinstein
David Sagerser
Yolanda Schachter
Thomas C. Schnabl
Karen M. Schneider
James and Elika Shapiro
Kathy and Robert Slaughter
Kathy Stathos
Debbie H. Stern
Maureen A. Stimming
Tanya Wojcik
Up to $99
Amazon Smile
Anonymous (X6)
Hannah Aron
Judy Berg
Anikó Blake
Erin Booker
Tracey and Joshua Buchman
Lisa M. Caldwell
Nancy S. Donohoe
Leah Fishbein
Pamela L. Fox
Laurie and Will Garrett
Sally Goren
Jocelyn Hamlar
Anita Hawke
Theresa Heffelfinger
Margaret Hensley
Thomas Humphrey
Anna Marie L. Jene
Columba Y. Kim
Michael Madden
Bertha Magana
Margarita Mendoza
Theodore Naron
Linda Newman
Paul Nguyen
Harolyn Lee Pappadis
Christopher Pitts
Mary Roemer
Arlene Sanoy
F. Sheppard Shanley
Anne Stolar
Stephen and Elaine Timbers
TisBest Philanthropy
Kevin Veloso
Jessica Wain
Elizabeth White
John Zaniewski
Jenner & Block LLP