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As researchers, educators and therapists, we work with our clients and PARTNER TO SEE CHANGE. Browse our behavioral health resources for psychoeducational content grounded in the latest research and developed for you by our expert clinicians. Here, you will find our popular Tips of the Month and Clinical Science Insights publication series, you can hear podcasts and watch webinars on a variety of themes, read topical articles from our therapists and learn about our latest publications.

How to Teach Your Kids to Receive Criticism

Tip of the month - Family

Can your kids easily accept criticism? Can they receive feedback calmly and with an open mind, or do they get touchy and defensive? How good are you at receiving criticism?

Don't Want an Argument to Go Too Far? Eat Before You Fight with Your Partner

Tip of the month - Couple

Finding yourself and your partner on the brink of a spat? First check how long since either of you have eaten. We all know how easy it is to be grumpy when we’re hungry. Indeed, there’s a connection between our mood and the level of blood sugar — glucose — in the body.

Infidelity in the Internet Age

Clinical Science Insight

Through our use of cell phones, laptops, and tablets, we can feel as though we are more “connected” than ever before. We can check Facebook posts, send emails, stream video, or text our partners – all while sitting on the bus, in Starbucks or at work. But the question remains: Does this tethering to the Internet lead to greater intimacy and connection with ourselves and the…

Beware with Your Child's Violent Gaming

Tip of the month - Family

While kids everywhere play violent videogames, parents wonder about negative effects from all that shooting, maiming and killing. Some scientific research is worth our attention.

Put Your Marriage First and Your Children Second

Tip of the month - Couple

For a great many couples with children, it isn’t the spouse who’s most valued — it’s the kids. At least within the middle and upper-middle-class, today’s couples tend to place kids at the top of the priority ladder, with the partner relationship landing in second or even third place (behind career). Many of us pay lip service to the importance of our marriage, but the great…

How to Phrase a True Apology

Tip of the month - Couple

Who among us doesn’t sometimes say the wrong thing or act in a way that triggers — even accidentally — a spouse’s hurt feelings? And who among us, after a misstep, doesn’t want to be forgiven? We want our partner to move on without harboring ill will. Research has found that an authentic apology increases the likelihood of being forgiven, and reduces feelings of anger in the “…

How to be Mindful When Disciplining Your Kids

Tip of the month - Family

Which of your "brains" do you use when you discipline your kids — your emotional brain, or your logical brain?

Don't Let Your Kids Sacrifice Sleep

Tip of the month - Family

With the start of the new school year, routines are taking shape. Youngsters are assembling the complex puzzle in which homework, activities, sports, social life and family time compete for a limited number of hours in the day. Frequently it seems there’s not enough time to do it all, that something’s got to give. What often gives? Our children’s sleep.