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Darren Moore Featured in Pure Wow Article on Postpartum Depression in Men
Often times, postpartum depression (PPD) is thought of as something that women exclusively deal with upon welcoming a new baby into the world. What's less talked about is the prevalence of PPD amongst new dads. Darren Moore, Ph.D., LMFT of The Family Institute at Northwestern University recently spoke to PureWow about the prevalence of PPD in men, the warning signs, treatment…
Samuel Allen Interviewed for Yahoo! Life Article on When a Parent Comes Out as LGBTQ
When a parent comes out to a child, it can be challenging for all members of the family. It’s a huge transition with many steps to navigate: the first conversation, possible separation from one’s spouse, coming to terms with a parent’s evolving identity and deciding how and if children choose to tell others. Samuel Allen, Ph.D. of The Family Institute at Northwestern…
Anthony Chambers Featured in New York Times' "Best Relationship Advice We've Gotten So Far" Article
Anthony Chambers, Ph.D., ABPP was featured in a New York Times article titled "The Best Relationship Advice We've Gotten So Far This Year" for his advice on "phubbing," which is ignoring a partner in favor of your phone. In the article, he speaks to the importance of not letting resentment of feeling snubbed by your partner's phone simmer. “As soon as you’re starting to…
Why Talk About Sex in Therapy?
For some folks, the idea of talking about sex with their therapist is unthinkable. It makes us vulnerable and we swim in a soup of negative messages about sex: “it’s dirty,” “it’s wrong,” “we don’t talk about that,” and my personal favorite, “good girls don’t do that.” We’re self-conscious at best, and shameful at worst. The idea of even broaching the possibility of not being…
Inner Healing Through Grief and Loss
Dealing with the complexities that arise in the aftermath of grief and loss can feel all-encompassing.
Understanding Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
It seems no matter where I turn, I hear variations of the term “narcissist” or “narcissism”. It is becoming an endemic part of society’s lexicon when describing less than desirable behaviors and attitudes of another person.
Amber Przybyla Spoke to Today about Why We Messed with our Barbies as Kids
Many former Barbie lovers have stories of doll destruction. Why is this, and is it normal? Amber Przybyla, LPC, ATR of The Family Institute at Northwestern University recently spoke to to discuss why we messed with our Barbies, and what it said about our future selves.