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Core Faculty, MSMFT Program
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Primary Branch: MSMFT On-Campus
Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies, Couple and Family Therapy Specialization, Michigan State University
Master of MMFT, Lipscomb University
B.A. in Theological Ethics, Belmont University
Other Professional Involvement/Leadership Positions

Chair-Elect, Couple and Intimate Relationship Topical Interest Network of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy

Selected Publications & Presentations

White VanBoxel, J. M., Miller, D. L., Morgan, P., Iqbal, N., Edwards, C., & Wittenborn, A. K. (2024). Exploring associations among baseline emotion regulation and change in relationship satisfaction among couples in a randomized controlled trial of emotionally focused therapy compared to usual care. Family Process.

Jennifer VanBoxel has several forthcoming publications in press, which include a clinical handbook for treating Couples in the context of C-PTSD and several empirical studies on systemic family therapy interventions.

Additionally, Dr. VanBoxel has started and lead a  research  lab with student scholars, which is called the Complex Trauma and Systemic Intervention Lab (CTSI Lab)

American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Doctoral Student Ethics Competition 3rd Place Winner, 2021
Teaching Excellence Award - The Family Institute at Northwestern University MSMFT On-ground 2023-2024