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Turn Your Meltdown into a Growth Experience

Dr. Maru Torres-Gregory is among several experts who shared strategies and tips with Bonds columnist Elizabeth Bernstein about “The Art of the Pandemic Meltdown.” Read More

Relationships between Parents & Young Adult Children

In an extended interview with Aaliyah Gibson, Casey Gamboni, Ph.D., discusses common mistakes that parents of adult and young adult children may injure their relationship and advice for what to do instead. Not treating your child like the adult they have become can offend the child at the same time as being difficult for the parent, who is not needed in the way they once were. Read “Parenting Mistakes” in The Active Times Read More

Chrishane Cunningham offers advice on how to talk with your child about racism

Talking about racism with your child may be a daunting task, but whatever your child’s age, it’s important to get the conversation started. Chrishane Cunningham speaks with Central Penn Parent on the best strategies to start this complex conversation with your kids.  READ ARTICLE   Read More

Psychiatrists launch support hotline for doctors

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, exhaustion and burnout were normal for physicians. Now, they need peer-to-peer support more than ever. Smita Gautam, M.D., along with four other physicians, launched a free and confidential national support hotline on March 30th, allowing doctors from across the country to speak with a therapist.  Read More

Tips to work from home with your spouse from Anthony Chambers, Ph.D., ABPP

For many, homes have been transformed into offices and partners have morphed into co-workers. This time together, or perhaps this time without being apart, can magnify our differences. Setting upfront guidelines can help.  READ ARTICLE Read More

Be truthful & focused on today with your kids, Dr. Alexandra Solomon recommends

With schools closed and playdates canceled, managing fears and frustrations amid the coronavirus pandemic can be particularly difficult as a parent. In this article in the Chicago Tribune, Alexandra Solomon, Ph.D., outlines strategies that parents can utilize both when handling their own emotions and while discussing the changes to daily life with their children. Read More

Navigating Changes to Daily Life in the Context of COVID-19

With the recent announcement from the World Health Organization classifying the novel coronavirus as a pandemic, many are bracing themselves for drastic changes in their daily lives.  Read More

Having A Favorite Child Is Natural. Here’s How To Handle It.

Even though they might not want to admit it, sometimes parents have a favorite child. Nancy Burgoyne, Ph.D., explains that having a favorite child is natural and provides tips on how to handle it.  Read Article Read More

12 Signs You May Be Headed For Divorce, According To Experts

Are there warning sides that a relationship is headed toward divorce? Maru Torres-Gregory, JD, PhD, LMFT, discusses why divorce may be in a couple's future, and provides tips for how to avoid it.  Read Article Read More

What “Succession” gets painfully right about power and family

Nancy Burgoyne, Ph.D. discussed HBO's "Succession" to examine the dynamics between power and family. How do parents decide who is the successor in the family business? Read Article Read More

Bringing Mom on a job interview? When bulldozer parenting goes too far

Today, parents are meddling in their child's career more than ever. Jacob Goldsmith, Ph.D. examines the phenomena called "bulldozer parenting" and why a parent inserts themselves in their child's job process.  Read Article Read More

7 things to say to your spouse to deepen your connection

Connecting and reconnecting to your spouse is important. Alexandra Solomon, Ph.D., explains that how a couple copes with a loss of connection is critical, and suggests ways to reconnect if a disconnect occurs.  Read Article Read More

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