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Text Your Love

Who would have thought that texting could be an effective way for spouses to express affection, to convey "I'm thinking of you"? So much of the time, we hear and read about modern technology coming between us. Apparently, it doesn't always have to be that way.

"You may be the love of my life," said the husband, "but I feel really upset when you ____."

"You may be the love of my life," said the husband, "but I feel really upset when you ____."

Behind the Anger

What driver hasn't had the experience of traveling down the highway when a car in the adjacent lane veers dangerously close or cuts us off? In an instant, many of us erupt with an angry expletive at the "jerk" in the next car.

Can Marriage Compete?

What does the brain find more stimulating? Twenty uninterrupted minutes chatting with a spouse, or twenty minutes checking email, surfing websites, receiving texts, and glancing up occasionally to follow the action on the flat screen television?

Who Unwinds?

At the end of each workday, couples face two goals: to unwind from the day's stresses, and to take care of the family's needs. But can a spouse truly unwind when faced with household chores, meal preparation, and (if there are kids at home) the endless demands of child management? When couples are both wage-earners, each needs to recover from the day's stress. But when there's plenty to do after coming through the door, who gets to relax? Who enjoys the leisure that allows the cortisol level to drop?
Money. Power. Sex. Three of the trickiest topics for couples to discuss. Sex, in particular, can stir feelings of embarrassment and shame, leaving us tongue-tied. For instance, a great many women experience physical pain during intercourse — and find it tough to talk about.

Better Than Before

You don't have to be a classic film star to offer a quip about marriage. Seems we all have an opinion — light-hearted or otherwise — about its challenges, heartaches and joys.

Divorce. Parents have always worried about its effects on children — and for good reason. For decades, psychologists have observed that many children of divorce mistrust romance and marriage, and demonstrate varieties of fear-based behaviors when they ent

In this study, participants whose parents had divorced had more negative attitudes toward marriage, more positive attitudes toward divorce, and in general a weaker commitment to marriage than participants whose parents hadn't divorced.

Say “Ouch”

Research published in Psychological Science (September 30, 2010) reveals that men apologize less often than women.

Putting It on the Radar for Families

This article will provide a description of problem gambling, its impact on couple and family relationships, and current family based treatment options. The goal is to raise awareness about problem gambling, and provide families with resources if they are concerned about their own or a family member’s gambling behavior.