Office Status
As I write this update, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
The world continues to grapple with the numerous consequences of COVID-19 and the State of Illinois is beginning to gradually reopen in phases. Please know that the health of our clients, our students and our staff continue to be our number one priority. Since March 19, The Family Institute has provided all of our clinical services via teletherapy; converted our on-campus classes to online learning; and, moved all staff and faculty to work remote. We are proud that we have been able to serve our clients, educate our students and conduct our research without interruption.
For the wellbeing of our community, both physically and mentally, we will continue to operate in this manner through at least August 31st and we will continue 100% teletherapy for all therapy well beyond this date — until masks and social distancing are no longer required. If you are currently involved in neuropsychological testing, you will be hearing more from our team very shortly. The Family Institute has and will continue to make these types of decisions thoughtfully, using the best available science.
This pandemic and the related uncertainly, isolation, loss and relational stress has each of us needing to take care of our mental health like never before. I invite you to take advantage of the many resources on our website as one way to help navigate this time and care for your whole health. We know that each person’s situation is unique, therefore, if you have specific questions about continued teletherapy for your care, please reach out directly to your therapist. They, and all of us at The Family Institute, are committed to supporting you through these challenging times.
Jana L. Jones
President and CEO