Multistoried: Instruction and Development in Research, Addiction, and Spirituality in Healthcare
Welcome to the Multistoried: Instruction and Development in Research, Addiction, and Spirituality in Healthcare (MIDRASH) Lab. In this lab we recognize the multistoried nature of research, researchers, and the subjects of our research. Below you can find more information on the three divisions of our lab.
Instruction and Development in Research
The Instruction and Development in Research Division of the MIDRASH Lab is primarily focused on generating theory related to the teaching of research, researcher development in counseling and psychotherapy as well as testing translational science models and programs in the context of counseling and psychotherapy.
The primary questions guiding our research is: how do allied mental health professionals generally and counselors and psychotherapists specifically learn to research and develop as researchers?
The Instruction and Development in Research Division of the MIDRASH Lab utilizes faculty-initiated research and student-initiated research in our work. A typical process might include a student-initiated study relating to any aspect of counseling and psychotherapy. This student-initiated study provides an opportunity for developing researchers to plan and implement an empirical study under the guidance of senior lab researchers. Parallel to this process is a faculty-initiated study of how the student(s) in student-initiated research are developing as researchers. Members of the research team may also join faculty-initiated research without an expectation of conducting their own research study.
Current Initiatives
- Systematic literature reviews focused on research methodology and methods in counseling and psychotherapy.
- Interrater reliability studies on rubrics used in teaching research methods in counseling and psychotherapy.
The Addiction Division of the MIDRASH Lab is primarily focused on the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Dimensions 5-Recovery Environment Interactions and the subdimension of cultural perceptions of substance use and Dimension 6-Person-Centered Considerations and the subdimension of patient preferences, barriers to care, and need for motivational enhancement.
Current Initiatives
- The Sober Five Advanced Directive for People in Recovery
- Deliberate Practice in AODA Counselor Training
Previous Publications
- Jury, R.T. (2021). Jewish metaphors in narrative practice with people resisting addiction. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, 3, 66-77.
Conference Presentations
- 2022 Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies PowerNet ’22; Jewish Responses to Addiction Recovery.
- 2021 Uganda Green Crescent Society Side Event during the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs in its 64th Session; Panel Member, Faith Based Methods for Prevention of Narcotic Drugs-Use: Perspectives from Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Jewish Communities.
Works Submitted for Publication
- Jury, R.T. (2024). Hermeneutical Inquiry into a Continuing Care Group Using Midrash Therapy. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Spirituality in Healthcare
The Spirituality in Healthcare Division of the MIDRASH Lab is primarily focused on researching the intersections of Jewish and mental health. These intersections include developing theories and conducting empirical studies focused on Jewish populations, Jewish integrated approaches to counseling and psychotherapy, experiences of Jewish people in counselor education and supervision, and Jewish ways of knowing in health and wellness.
Current Initiatives
- Jewish Mixed-Methods Research Design
- Antisemitism and Counseling
Conference Presentations
- 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions; Panel Member, The Labyrinth: An Interfaith Tool for Transformation.
- 2019 Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains National Conference 2019; Mandalas of Spiritual Awakening: Stages of Change & the MARI (Mandala Assessment Research Instrument)
- 2018 Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains National Conference 2018; Labyrinths as Tools to Access Embodied Hope in Chaplaincy.
Works Submitted for Publication
- Jury, R.T. (2024). Saying Shalom Again: Seeking Peace While Mourning. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Jury, R.T. (2023). Modifying Narrative Therapeutic Techniques to Include Jewish Religious and Spiritual Perspectives: A Case Example. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Jury, R.T. (2023). Cultural Considerations When Working with Jewish Students and Supervisees. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Research Team
The MIDRASH Lab is led by Robert T. Jury, Ph.D., and is committed to a diverse research team. Team members participate in all phases of the research process and have an opportunity to work in one or more of the lab divisions.
- Denisha Allicock, DrPH, MPH
- Courtney Laroque