The Perfectly Imperfect Lab predominantly examines maladaptive expressions and features of perfectionism (e.g., personality, interpersonal style) and their implications for interpersonal functioning (e.g., intimacy, self-disclosure, help-seeking). A historically quantitative lab, we are moving into use of mixed method approaches in our work as well. We are also focused on the development of research identity (RI) in Master's level counselors-in-training.
Lab Personnel
Lab members represent diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, giving our research a significant richness of perspective and and training.
Nancy Williams
Kemal Yurtbilir
Jack Leahy
Taiz Garcia
Recent Presentations & Select Publications
Cherkasky, B. C., Ewing, W. D., & Rohlfing Pryor, J. (2019, August). The impact of maladaptive perfectionism on help-seeking attitudes in a university sample. Poster presented at the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Ewing, W. D., Cherkasky, B. C., & Rohlfing Pryor, J. (2019, August). Maladaptive perfectionism as a predictor of interpersonal problems in a university sample. Poster presented at the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Rohlfing Pryor, J. & Medrano, G. R. (2018, August). Flaunt your flaws: Radically open dialectical behavior therapy as treatment for maladaptive perfectionism. Presentation at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Rohlfing Pryor, J., Cherkasky, B. D., Moyer, T., O’Donnell., A. M., Kalani, S., Ewing, W. D., & Huang, S. (2017, September). Are we practicing what we preach? Assessing research identity development with counseling Master’s students. Poster presented at the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Huang, S., Ewing, W. D., Kalani, S., Cherkasky, B. D., O’Donnell, A. M. & Rohlfing Pryor, J. (2017, October). Enhancing research as part of the professional identity of counseling Master’s students. Panel discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chicago, IL.
Rohlfing Pryor, J. (2017, October). Developing a model of Master’s level research training: Challenges, considerations, and outcomes. Roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chicago, IL.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Rohlfing Pryor, J. The relation of perfectionism to career indecision in a college sample.
Rohlfing Pryor, J. & Ewing, W. Maladaptive perfectionism as a predictor of interpersonal distress and impairment.
Rohlfing Pryor, J. & Medrano, G. R. Flaunt your flaws: Radically open dialectical behavior therapy as treatment for maladaptive perfectionism.
Jessica Rohlfing Pryor, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
The Family Institute at Northwestern University
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Evanston, IL 60201