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Simple Ways to Better Support Your Spouse

Research reported in the Journal of Psychological Science (December, 2010) describes two types of support in a relationship: visible (when both partners notice the supportive actions) and invisible (when support originates outside the recipient's awareness).

Why Marriage Is Healthy Except When It Isn’t

It has long been understood that there is a connection between long-term relationships and health. There is also a reciprocal relationship between marriage and health, where not only is marriage affected by illness, but the quality of marriage can actually influence the course of an illness.

Becoming a Family: Nurturing your Connection in the Transition to Parenthood

Becoming a parent is one of the most profound transitions in life an individual will experience, and for a couple becoming parents together is an extraordinary and life-long journey that bonds them together. So why is it, then, that it is so common for parenthood to decrease relationship satisfaction?

With marriage rates on the decline in the US and abroad, what does the future of romantic relationship look like? Rather than predicting the death of marriage, Dr. Goldsmith talks about the rise of pluralism; the idea that there is more than one right way of doing relationships. Considering the history of relationships as well as present trends, Dr.