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Support Following Another Deadly School Shooting

Our hearts are once again broken as we grapple with the senseless and deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas yesterday. With 19 children and two teachers losing their lives to gun violence, no words feel adequate to express what we feel. This shooting comes on the heels of the racially motivated mass shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo New York and adds to a devasting toll - 212 mass shootings since the beginning of 2022 - several of which have occurred just within the…

From Prom Dreams to Covid Extremes: The Pandemic’s Short-Term Effects on Teens

Covid-19 took all of us by storm two years ago. Fear, anxiety, and uncertainty quickly found its way into every corner of our society. Millions of people across ages, races, genders, locations and socioeconomic statuses felt the emotional, mental and social tolls. As a result, each of us has our own unique “Covid chapter.” And many of us are still writing these chapters. We will continue to look back on them as time passes, and we will keep healing and move forward.

Is Your Child Struggling with Mental Health After the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Nobody escapes mental health issues because of their age. By nature, humans are social creatures. We need each other. But children need each other even more to conquer cognitive and emotional milestones. They need one another to learn social cues, expressions, fair play and empathy. They need one another to explore boundaries and self-expression, creative play, and the ability to work as a team. Unfortunately, the pandemic stripped away so much of this, detrimentally…

Maternal Guilt and a Mom's Sense of Self

As a therapist, I’m always looking for patterns, and I’ve noticed a well-worn one in my career working with postpartum women. When becoming a mother, women feel an invisible weight they carry with them everywhere they go. For some women, it starts during pregnancy; for others, it appears once the baby arrives. Where does the weight come from?

Sophia’s Story: A Journey through Infantile Kinship Adoption

This World Maternal Mental Health Day, we’re sharing the story of Sophia, Connor and their adoption journey. In the United States and worldwide, the maternal mental health conversation often centers on postpartum moms, but adoptive moms face serious mental health struggles and challenges, too, whether they are adopting locally or internationally, familial or not.

Dating Sober

A quick swipe right, and it is a MATCH! You start with a flurry of text messages and recognize a vibe between you and this newly found single. The next step would be to ask them out, but they beat you to it, suggesting, “How about drinks?”

Centering Black Mothers Through Psychotherapy

When I think about psychotherapy’s role in Black maternal health, one woman in particular comes to mind. She was a new mom and came into the therapy room, seeking help for severe postpartum anxiety. She hadn’t been sleeping and was hyper-vigilant to her baby, reactive to any signs that the baby was not okay. I wondered about her family history. What generational history was this new mom carrying with her into her experience of taking care of her infant?

Treating Depression Within a Couple

Depression rates have tripled during the pandemic, and depression afflicts both individual and couple health. In the timely discussion below, Lisa Gordon, Ph.D. explores how depression intrudes into a relationship and how a couple can confront depression as a team. Whether you have identified clinical or low-grade depression in yourself or your partner, know that you are not alone.