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Coping with Unhealthy Perfectionism

Perfectionism is an illusion that can cause people to suffer. Unhealthy perfectionism includes the relentless pursuit of exceedingly high — if not impossible — goals, combined with significant distress around failing to meet these goals. If you find yourself suffering from perfectionism, consider the following tips based on research and experience: Paralyzed by what you have to accomplish? Break down big goals into smaller, manageable pieces that you can execute one step…

Tips to Help Your Kids Transition Back to School

For students, the transition back to school can be both exciting and stressful. Here are a few tips to help your kids and teens feel prepared for that transition, as well as some thoughts about what is “typical” back to school stress and what might be a sign to seek support from others:

The Parenting Sweet Spot with College-bound Kids

The transition to college is a balancing act for students and their families. Too little engagement can leave a student feeling lost or disconnected, and can leave parents feeling like they’re in the dark. Too much engagement (e.g., so called helicopter parenting) can actually interfere with students’ growth and development. Families should shoot for a balance that is empowering to the student and still allows parents to provide support and input where appropriate. This…

Ways to help someone struggling with thoughts of suicide

Today's news of Anthony Bourdain's suicide, and earlier this week Kate Spade's death are tragic reminders that mental illness and suicide can affect anyone regardless of income or success. In addition, it speaks to the enormous impact that suicide has on loved ones - as partners, children, friends and family struggle with their loss. Suicide and mental health impacts not only the person struggling with mental illness, but many people in their lives (family, friends,…

Nurturing and Growing Your Partnership after Childbirth

Becoming a parent is one of the most profound transitions in life an individual will experience, and for a couple becoming parents together is an extraordinary and life-long journey that bonds them together. So why is it, then, that it is so common for parenthood to decrease relationship satisfaction?

Recent Events in Florida

Recent events in Florida have again put in front of us an outrageous scene of senseless violence. Violence in schools, once unimaginable, has become a disturbingly frequent event. As individuals, and certainly as caregivers for children of all ages, we grapple with how to respond. We wonder — what is an appropriate way to feel and what are helpful ways to behave under these circumstances? While there is no right way to feel, there are helpful ways to respond.

Managing Holiday Stress

The holidays are times for joyous celebration; enjoying gatherings for family and friends; and having that second pumpkin pie. These same cheerful traditions can cause copious amounts of stress and worry. Here are some ways to tackle the upcoming holidays in a happy and healthy way:

Tell Me Again What You Think of Me: Depression and Reassurance-Seeking in Couples

Approximately 18.1 million Americans adults suffer from depression each year. They experience symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, persistent feelings of sadness, disinterest in once-pleasurable activities, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, and even thoughts of death.