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Understanding the Effects of Complex Trauma in Youth 

Gabriel is having a hard time keeping up in school. He falls asleep in class, struggles to focus on his schoolwork, and lashes out at others. What his teacher and classmates don’t know is that Gabriel has been through a lot of adversity during his life. He is tired because he has nightmares about his father, who gets violent when he is angry. He can’t concentrate because images of the car crash that he was in last year keep popping up in his mind. He is alert and on-edge…

Mindfulness Tips- World Mental Health Day

Please consider incorporating one or more of the following mindfulness tips to help as you either begin, reprioritize, or continue your journey with mental health.

How to Stay Connected While Letting Go

It’s that time of year when young adults head off to college and their caregivers try to find ways to best support them.  In that process, caregivers may have complex and confusing reactions to developmental changes that they see in their child.  There is no one best way to manage this major transition for you and your child.  The choices you make will likely depend on your cultural background and faith.  That said, it might help to consider some of the developmental needs…

Resources To Help Families Cope After a Mass Shooting

The federal government's Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs recently compiled a list of resources to help children, families, educators and community members cope after mass shootings. 

How the Pandemic Has Changed Dating for Emerging Adults

Online dating platforms over the past decade have transformed how emerging adults pursue and initiate intimate relationships, and during the pandemic’s quarantine, they became a primary means of connection for emerging adults.

Tips for Graduates Transitioning to a New Life Stage

Graduation can be an exciting time that can also be fraught with stress. It involves saying goodbye to a familiar way of life, friends you’ve built strong bonds with and a place that’s felt like home.

We Celebrate Gay Pride

The Family Institute at Northwestern University joins in this month’s celebration of Gay Pride. We unequivocally support and honor the dignity and equality of all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, as well as people with differences in sex development and others under the umbrella of sexual and gender minorities.