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Your Kids and COVID-19

Be mindful of your own reactions and your own level of anxiety so that you can model calm. Listen to them. Ask them what they have heard so you can correct inaccurate information. Answer questions keeping their age, maturity, and developmental level in mind. If you don’t know the answer, take a break and look up answers from reputable sources such as CDC and WHO. If your children are old enough, encourage them to use these as their main sources of information on the…

Love, Sex & Intimacy | Family Action Network

Alexandra Solomon, Ph.D., LCP, in conversation with Eli Finkel, Ph.D., about her new book, Taking Sexy Back: How to Own Your Sexuality and Create the Relationships You Want.

What is CBT?

What is CBT?1 That is an excellent question and one that a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) clinician will routinely and proactively address with a client in a first treatment session or in an introductory call.

Recognizing Anxiety in Men

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health issues, estimated to affect close to 20% of Americans in a given year. But not everyone is affected equally — research consistently shows the number of women diagnosed with anxiety disorders is about double that of men.1,2 Researchers have yet to definitively determine the causes of this discrepancy, but anecdotal evidence and clinical experience suggests that some men respond to anxiety in ways that can cause it to…

Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots

Safe spaces to socialize and express yourself in however way you see fit is something everyone aspires to find. We’ve seen these spaces shown in popular television series like the bar from Cheers, ‘Central Perk’ from Friends, and Saved by The Bell’s ‘The Max.’ Which is why when you find these havens, you cherish them. These celebrated examples of mostly white and heteronormative representations of community, reinforce a narrative that is not socially accessible to many…

A Reflection on 50 Years of Families

"When we speak of the ties that bind, few pull as tightly as our family ties. Whether through birth or by choice, the people with whom we build our strongest connections — the people we call family — can lift us to peaks of joy or deliver us to depths of despair. The grip of family is familiar to us all, its dramas recounted from the time of ancient storytelling through centuries of song and literature, to film and television today.

How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Mom

The relationship we have with our mother is a primary connection that can make a big impact on our psyche and life. However, as in any other relationship, conflict is inevitable, especially when we grow up and become adults. Here are a few tips from therapists at The Family Institute to help you improve your communication and ultimately the relationship with your mom.

50 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

As a way to celebrate our 50th anniversary, therapists at The Family Institute have provided 50 actionable tips for taking care of your mental health. Some of the strategies include practicing mindfulness, overcoming perfectionism, nurturing your relationships and shifting your mindset.