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Maintaining peer engagement during social distancing for young children

During this time of social distancing, many families are exploring how their young children can continue friendships without play dates or school. For young children, video calling may create anxiety or a sense of loss. They may be telling you that they miss their friends more after video calls or that they are not interested in sitting at the screen. Video calling on its own, only allows for verbal communication to easily occur. Nonverbal cues are hard to catch, and…

Up Your Self-Care Game

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, managing stress is vital to protecting our physical and mental health. One way to do that is to up our self-care game. After 30 years as practicing clinical psychologist and family therapist, I have found that care for oneself is most meaningful and helpful when it:

Behavioral Activation as a tool to help manage feelings of depression, anxiety & isolation

As the weeks of stay-at-home orders, economic challenges and uncertainty wear on, even more of us are experiencing increased feelings of depression, anxiety and isolation for good reason. If you find yourself wondering, “what can I do?” when experiencing these feelings, Jonathan Sutton, Ph.D., director of our CBT program, shared the following activities to consider:

An Introduction to Mindfulness

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are sharing strategies, key ideas and tips from our therapists around different themes. This week’s theme is mindfulness with posts from Michael Maslar, Psy.D., Director of our Mindfulness and Behavior Therapies Program. 

Tips for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s Maternal Mental Health Awareness week, and I’m so honored to have the opportunity to share some key ideas and coping strategies that I use in psychotherapy with my clients to support their mental health during pregnancy and postpartum. I’ll be sharing one per day everyday this week. I hope they can support and inspire a daily intention as you face each day.

Teletherapy with Kids

Our director of child, adolescent & family services, Natasha Varela, LCPC, took time recently to answer some questions about providing teletherapy to some of our younger clients.

Therapy through Technology

Among the many unanticipated consequences of the pandemic is the rapid acceptance of teleconferencing technology in health care. We are daily reading about medical providers using this technology to perform consultations and diagnostic evaluations for all manner of health-related problems. The field of psychotherapy is likewise embracing the technology as a means of providing continuity of care for our clients when they are unable to be seen in our offices.

The Timely Benefits of Brief Therapy

A new reality is setting in. Children are home from school and people are being encouraged to work at home or not work at all. As couples and families adjust to these new routines, habits and shared working environments, there may be an increase in feelings of worry, frustration and exhaustion.