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As researchers, educators and therapists, we work with our clients and PARTNER TO SEE CHANGE. Browse our behavioral health resources for psychoeducational content grounded in the latest research and developed for you by our expert clinicians. Here, you will find our popular Tips of the Month and Clinical Science Insights publication series, you can hear podcasts and watch webinars on a variety of themes, read topical articles from our therapists and learn about our latest publications.

Shame Spotting

Tip of the month - Couple

What has the power to knock any relationship off its rails?  Shame. When shame stirs within a partner, conversations that were going along nicely can go haywire. Partners turn angry, even rageful, or withdraw into silence, even leave the room.  

What Builds Resilience

Tip of the month - Family

"Is it true what Nietzsche said: "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger?" Research says it's true — to a degree. Psychologists have found that people who encountered a moderate amount of early life adversity showed lower overall distress and higher life satisfaction than people who experienced lots of adversity or no adversity at all.

Treating Depression Within a Couple


Depression rates have tripled during the pandemic, and depression afflicts both individual and couple health. In the timely discussion below, Lisa Gordon, Ph.D. explores how depression intrudes into a relationship and how a couple can confront depression as a team. Whether you have identified clinical or low-grade depression in yourself or your partner, know that you are not…

Emotion Fixing

Tip of the month - Couple

Partner One: “I feel really discouraged today…” Partner Two: “Come take a walk with me, it’s a really beautiful day out.”   Partner One: “I’m so frustrated with the people at work, they spend all day complaining.” Partner Two: “You should just quit, we can get by on my salary for a while.”   Partner One: “We never hear from the kids. It bothers me that they don’t call…

Support for Ukraine


The Family Institute at Northwestern University sends its support to all who are experiencing pain and suffering because of the war in Ukraine. We know that within the Ukrainian diaspora, many are agonizing over the fate of their friends, family, and their sovereign country. There is no overstating the impact.  To too many families around the world, this is a familiar feeling…

Understanding Self-Harm


Self-harm can be so distressing both for the individual engaging in the behavior and for loved ones hearing, seeing, or learning about it happening.  First, acknowledge how painful self-harm must be for the both of you. What is self-harm? Simply put, this is when an instrument (i.e., razors, lighters) is intentionally used to inflict pain and harm to a part of the body,…

Too Negative?

Tip of the month - Family

The effects of evolution don’t always leave us in the best stead.

5 Self-Care Tips for Black Women’s Mental Health


People often label Black women first and primarily as “strong.” While they may use the term with good intentions, it actually perpetuates racial discrimination. And Black women’s relationship with the term is also complex. Many report wearing the term as a form of armor, used to protect them from the stresses of daily racial discrimination.