As researchers, educators and therapists, we work with our clients and PARTNER TO SEE CHANGE. Browse our behavioral health resources for psychoeducational content grounded in the latest research and developed for you by our expert clinicians. Here, you will find our popular Tips of the Month and Clinical Science Insights publication series, you can hear podcasts and watch webinars on a variety of themes, read topical articles from our therapists and learn about our latest publications.
Tips for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week
It’s Maternal Mental Health Awareness week, and I’m so honored to have the opportunity to share some key ideas and coping strategies that I use in psychotherapy with my clients to support their mental health during pregnancy and postpartum. I’ll be sharing one per day everyday this week. I hope they can support and inspire a daily intention as you face each day.
Sparking Gratitude & Naming Losses
A swatch of silver lining during the coronavirus pandemic: To Have (sparking gratitude) and Have Not (naming losses) conversations with the children. There’s much they can learn — lessons for a lifetime of emotional health and well-being — by guiding them through these tough times in an emotionally intelligent way.
Strategies for Couples in Quarantine | Facebook Live
In this time of quarantine, not only do new struggles arise, but old ones can be exacerbated with the shattering of routines and a lack of personal space and distance. Even in the best of circumstances, spending 24 hours a day together in the same space can present difficulties, and when we add anxiety, upended routines, new responsibilities and financial and domestic…
Psychiatrists launch support hotline for doctors
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, exhaustion and burnout were normal for physicians. Now, they need peer-to-peer support more than ever. Smita Gautam, M.D., along with four other physicians, launched a free and confidential national support hotline on March 30th, allowing doctors from across the country to speak with a therapist.
Teletherapy with Kids
Our director of child, adolescent & family services, Natasha Varela, LCPC, took time recently to answer some questions about providing teletherapy to some of our younger clients.
Navigating Life in Quarantine with Adult Children | Facebook Live
Jacob Goldsmith, Ph.D., LCP, Casey Gamboni, Ph.D., LMFT, and Jessica Rohlfing Pryor, Ph.D., LCP, talk and take questions about ways that parents and emerging adults can navigate living together in an age of quarantine.
Tips to work from home with your spouse from Anthony Chambers, Ph.D., ABPP
For many, homes have been transformed into offices and partners have morphed into co-workers. This time together, or perhaps this time without being apart, can magnify our differences. Setting upfront guidelines can help. READ ARTICLE
Therapy through Technology
Among the many unanticipated consequences of the pandemic is the rapid acceptance of teleconferencing technology in health care. We are daily reading about medical providers using this technology to perform consultations and diagnostic evaluations for all manner of health-related problems. The field of psychotherapy is likewise embracing the technology as a means of providing…