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As researchers, educators and therapists, we work with our clients and PARTNER TO SEE CHANGE. Browse our behavioral health resources for psychoeducational content grounded in the latest research and developed for you by our expert clinicians. Here, you will find our popular Tips of the Month and Clinical Science Insights publication series, you can hear podcasts and watch webinars on a variety of themes, read topical articles from our therapists and learn about our latest publications.

The Art of Listening


How might generous listening make space for courageous conversations? Watch Dr. Nancy Burgoyne and Dr. Jacob Goldsmith discuss “The Art of Listening.” Active listening with less judgment and more curiosity, humility and empathy is a skill that takes training & practice. Presented by Urban Consulate at Barrington’s White House.

How to Start Tough Conversations

Tip of the month - Couple

When you fly, do you pay close attention to the aircraft’s take-off? Maybe not. But don’t neglect your take-off when approaching your partner with a grievance or complaint. Marriage researcher John Gottman calls it your start-up.

Skillful Listening Tips for Parents

Tip of the month - Family

Many of us have it backwards. With our kids, we emphasize talking rather than listening. We believe that good parenting means explaining, reminding, correcting, admonishing, instructing — it’s no wonder a lot more words come out of our mouths than theirs. In time, all our gab tends to turn them off. By adolescence, many have tuned us out.

The Significance of the Sibling Relationship When Coming Out as Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual

Clinical Science Insight

Casey Gamboni, Ph.D., explores the importance of sibling and family relationships for the LGB population and shares his story of coming out to his brother. Though recent statistics indicate that 85-90% of the world population has a sibling, sibling relationships are the most neglected relationships in psychological research and practice.

Recognizing Anxiety in Men


Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health issues, estimated to affect close to 20% of Americans in a given year. But not everyone is affected equally — research consistently shows the number of women diagnosed with anxiety disorders is about double that of men.1,2 Researchers have yet to definitively determine the causes of this discrepancy, but anecdotal…

Teaching Kids to Repair

Tip of the month - Family

Few parents are emotionally honest with kids when they speak unkindly. “You’re such a miserable mother,” snaps a teenage daughter, and we sharply retort with “Don’t talk to me that way!” Or a pre-school age son shouts, “You’re stupid!” and we say, “What did I tell you about language like that?” The story we tell ourselves may be that our son is overtired from a very long day,…

How to Sustain Erotic Desire

Tip of the month - Couple

Can we ever truly desire what we already have?1 That's the conundrum at the heart of long-term relationships: how to sustain erotic desire when, over time, the mystery and novelty that stimulates sexual interest inevitably wanes. It's a question that has baffled academics, sex therapists, and ordinary folk trying to keep the spark alive.

Having A Favorite Child Is Natural. Here’s How To Handle It.


Even though they might not want to admit it, sometimes parents have a favorite child. Nancy Burgoyne, Ph.D., explains that having a favorite child is natural and provides tips on how to handle it.  Read Article