As researchers, educators and therapists, we work with our clients and PARTNER TO SEE CHANGE. Browse our behavioral health resources for psychoeducational content grounded in the latest research and developed for you by our expert clinicians. Here, you will find our popular Tips of the Month and Clinical Science Insights publication series, you can hear podcasts and watch webinars on a variety of themes, read topical articles from our therapists and learn about our latest publications.
Navigating the Transition to Parenthood
In “Navigating the Transition to Parenthood,” Katherine Collison, Ph.D. provides an overview of the physical and emotional changes that take place during and after pregnancy, information about postpartum depression and anxiety, and recommendations for resources and strategies that can help parents navigate this transition.
Long-Term Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Child Development
In “Long-Term Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Child Development,” Rachel Foster, Ph.D. first explores how developmental scientists predict children might be impacted by the pandemic based on t
Social Media Safety
Scrolling through social media takes up a significant amount of time in the lives of our tweens and teens — whether we like it or not. While conversations with our sons and daughters about some of the ill effects of social media have never been more important (see Toxic Comparisons), talking about online risks and safety should be part of your family chats.
Marisol Garcia featured in Today Article about the Common Mistakes Parents of LGBTQ Kids Make
Marisol Garcia, M.S.W., LSW of The Family Institute at Northwestern University was featured in a Today Show article about five common mistakes that parents of LGBTQ kids make, and the surprisingly simple ways for parents to make their home a safe and affirming environment. Read the Article
The Gift of Self-Soothing
For your partner’s next birthday or special occasion, consider this gift idea: “My gift to you today is a promise to handle myself better in the future when I’m flooded with emotion.”
Confronting Anxiety
I’m seated on a flight soaring tens of thousands of feet above the ground. The plane abruptly falls several feet and then bounces back up. Suddenly it feels like my heart is racing at the same speed as the aircraft. My hands grip my seat and I feel an uncomfortable sensation rising in my throat. My mind declares, “I can’t handle this.”
Black Mental Health Community Forum
Minority communities have be disproportionally affected by the negative impacts of COVID-19 and other unimaginable tragedies and events causing an increase in reports of stress, depression and anxiety.
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder can take on many forms, ranging in severity and symptoms often causing the disorder to be misunderstood. Renay Gartner, Psy.D., Director of Assessment Services and Amy Wolok, Psy.D. discuss how Autism is diagnosed, how it might present, and what current research is saying about the disorder.