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Sharing Our Knowledge With You

As researchers, educators and therapists, we work with our clients and PARTNER TO SEE CHANGE. Browse our behavioral health resources for psychoeducational content grounded in the latest research and developed for you by our expert clinicians. Here, you will find our popular Tips of the Month and Clinical Science Insights publication series, you can hear podcasts and watch webinars on a variety of themes, read topical articles from our therapists and learn about our latest publications.

Attachment and Sex


Attachment seems to be all the rage these days. I work with couples who walk in the door and announce their attachment patterns immediately. So let’s start with the basics: what is an attachment pattern and why is it relevant? Attachment patterns begin in infancy and it’s generally accepted that it’s a survival strategy for infants who are completely dependent on their…

The Eight Types of Narcissists


In this second installment about narcissism, we will explore the eight different types of narcissists. This is based on Dr. Ramani Durvasula’s work and book, titled “’Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ How to stay sane in an era of narcissism, entitlement, and incivility,” as well as Dr. Ramani’s videos on YouTube. Her channel is an incredible resource as well as her books. 

Rebecca Coopersmith Quoted for Everyday Health Article on Relationship Communication Habits


Good communication is key to feeling valued and connected within your relationship. So what should you do when you're not feeling heard by your partner? In a recent Everyday Health article, Rebecca Coopersmith, LCSW, CSE of The Family Institute at Northwestern University provides perspective on how to shift the dynamic of your relationship to ensure everyone feels seen and…

How to Talk to Someone You Think is Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts


Suspecting a loved one might be having thoughts of suicide can be scary. Many people are worried they may say the wrong thing and make the situation worse, which leads them to saying nothing, or feeling unprepared when their loved one discloses their thoughts and feelings. Desire to avoid this conversation is natural. However, this avoidance is not helpful to either person.…

The Loss-Sadness Connection

Tip of the month - Family

Here’s an easy way to boost your child’s emotional intelligence (EQ): teach them about the loss-sadness connection. 

Alexandra Solomon Highlights New Book on NBC Chicago's Chicago Today


Dr. Alexandra Solomon of The Family Institute at Northwestern University was featured on NBC Chicago's Chicago Today to highlight her new book, Love Every Day: 365 Relational Self-Awareness Practices to Help Your Relationship Heal, Grow, and Thrive. In the book Dr. Solomon offers daily practices to cultivate a compassionate approach to your relationships with others, as well…

Michael Goldstone and Alexandra Solomon Featured in Vox Article on Gossip


A TikTok trend has emerged in which a video creator will eavesdrop on random gossipers in public, and then share what was said with their audience in hopes of finding the subject of the gossip to warn them of what their friends have to say. While these videos aim to shame the subjects that are gossiping, what they fail to recognize is that complaining and gossiping about…

Amber Przybyla Interviewed for Chicago Health Article on Teenagers and Risk Taking


Teenagers are prone to taking irresponsible, even dangerous risks. But some of that risk-taking is healthy, teaching them how to become independent, responsible adults. In a recent Chicago Health Magazine article, Amber Przybyla, LPC, ATR of The Family Institute offers advice to caregivers on how they can steer teens to healthier risk-taking activities, and act as a…