Stress Management & Resilience
It may seem that more people than ever are feeling stressed, and that perception may actually reflect the reality that more people, in fact, are experiencing higher levels of distress. Studies show that anxiety disorders are up to 28.3% globally and that prevalence rates of anxiety disorders have been increasing over time (as cited in Kim & Kim, 2018).
There Goes My Mind Again: How Thought Patterns Impact Our Mental Health
The human mind can be so brilliant, constantly inventing, creating, and problem-solving. This is because our minds generate thousands of thoughts in a single day. Of those thousands, some produce groundbreaking new ideas that change the world. Other thoughts that pop into our mind are joyful or pleasant, many are neutral and produce little to no emotion, and then naturally some thoughts are more difficult to experience- self-judgments, negative predictions, doubt, and…
Why Does Loving You Hurt? Understanding Trauma Bonds with a Narcissist
We are social beings that require connection. In fact, when we are born, the millisecond we are born, we require connection and dependence upon another to care for us and to keep us alive.
Four Myths to Dispel about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
1. OCD is not simply a matter of being overly neat or organized
It is a complex anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or rituals (compulsions) aimed at reducing distress.
Living Well with Bipolar Disorder
“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness” – Aristotle
Isaac Newton, Vincent Van Gogh, Winston Churchill, and Ludwig Van Beethoven. These are a few of many important historical figures whose contributions shaped society the way we know it today. But do you know what else these prolific individuals have in common? Biographical records suggest that their lives were touched by a mental health condition known in the modern day as “bipolar disorder.5”
Three Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem
February is National Self-Esteem Month, a time to reflect on the importance of cultivating a positive self-image and nurturing self-worth. Self-esteem plays a crucial role in mental health and wellbeing. Individuals with healthy self-esteem are better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of life, assert their needs, and pursue their goals with confidence. In addition to the psychological benefits of self-esteem, evidence suggests there are physical benefits as well.
Trouble Communicating with your Partner? Top Five Tips from a Couples Therapist
Helping individuals and couples communicate better is a cornerstone of good therapy. Better communication sets people up for greater connection and stability in their lives. It’s no surprise then that there is a wide array of therapeutic approaches to guide clients toward better communication. Some of these therapy approaches are “evidence-based,” by which I mean they were developed as part of therapies that have gained substantial research evidence supporting their…
Insomnia: Why Getting Good Sleep Matters and How to Get it Again
We are in a sleep crisis.
Did you ever notice how sleep deprivation has become romanticized, normalized, and popularized in movies, television, and books, as characters stay up all night doing important hero stuff or college students “pull all-nighters?” Despite this, our society is in a very real sleep crisis.