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Insomnia: Why Getting Good Sleep Matters and How to Get it Again

We are in a sleep crisis. Did you ever notice how sleep deprivation has become romanticized, normalized, and popularized in movies, television, and books, as characters stay up all night doing important hero stuff or college students “pull all-nighters?” Despite this, our society is in a very real sleep crisis.

Pouring Into an Unfillable Bucket

As we begin this third installment on narcissism, I want to first emphasize that this piece is not meant to tell anyone how to navigate their relationship. The ultimate decisions and choices you make will always remain very personal and yours. The intent of this series is to provide information as we don’t know what we don’t know.  My hope is you will feel encouraged to make choices and decisions about your relationship armed with awareness and intention.

'Tis the Season for Boundaries

The holiday season often boasts promises of togetherness; it is a time for loved ones to gather in celebration of joy, gratitude, and family.

Attachment and Sex

Attachment seems to be all the rage these days. I work with couples who walk in the door and announce their attachment patterns immediately. So let’s start with the basics: what is an attachment pattern and why is it relevant? Attachment patterns begin in infancy and it’s generally accepted that it’s a survival strategy for infants who are completely dependent on their caregivers. As a result, infants adopt a pattern of interaction with their caregivers that is most likely…

The Eight Types of Narcissists

In this second installment about narcissism, we will explore the eight different types of narcissists. This is based on Dr. Ramani Durvasula’s work and book, titled “’Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ How to stay sane in an era of narcissism, entitlement, and incivility,” as well as Dr. Ramani’s videos on YouTube. Her channel is an incredible resource as well as her books. 

How to Talk to Someone You Think is Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts

Suspecting a loved one might be having thoughts of suicide can be scary. Many people are worried they may say the wrong thing and make the situation worse, which leads them to saying nothing, or feeling unprepared when their loved one discloses their thoughts and feelings. Desire to avoid this conversation is natural. However, this avoidance is not helpful to either person. There is a common misconception that asking someone if they are having thoughts of suicide will make…

Why Talk About Sex in Therapy?

For some folks, the idea of talking about sex with their therapist is unthinkable. It makes us vulnerable and we swim in a soup of negative messages about sex: “it’s dirty,” “it’s wrong,” “we don’t talk about that,” and my personal favorite, “good girls don’t do that.” We’re self-conscious at best, and shameful at worst. The idea of even broaching the possibility of not being good at sex is beyond the pale, as though somehow people magically mature into sexual prowess. So we…

Understanding Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

It seems no matter where I turn, I hear variations of the term “narcissist” or “narcissism”.  It is becoming an endemic part of society’s lexicon when describing less than desirable behaviors and attitudes of another person.