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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) gives you cognitive and behavioral tools to change problematic behaviors and thoughts, and teaches you skills for improving your life and relationships. The research-based skills taught in DBT are especially useful if you are experiencing serious challenges, including: 

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic thoughts of suicide
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders 
  • Self-harming behaviors 
  • Substance abuse
  • Violence

Developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan and her colleagues at the University of Washington and other major institutions throughout the country, DBT has considerable research supporting its effectiveness with chronic suicidality, self-harm and other behaviors related to intense and painful emotion. 

Michael Maslar, Psy.D., who trained under Dr. Linehan, and his team of DBT therapists offer a combination of work with an individual DBT therapist, weekly skills training groups and as-needed between session phone contact for additional assistance. This combination of services helps people who struggle with major life problems learn new behaviors to help them feel better and ultimately do better in life.

We currently offer specialized DBT programming for adults: 

  • Our adult skills training groups run virtually on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 
  • Individual DBT therapists are available at most of our locations. We also offer modifications of our DBT program for family members who want help coping with loved ones who have difficulties with intense emotionality.

I highly recommend The Family Institute’s DBT program for anyone that is looking to commit to make real change in their strategy in dealing with mental illness. I have been extremely impressed by the knowledge and commitment exhibited by my therapist.