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Better Than Before

You don't have to be a classic film star to offer a quip about marriage. Seems we all have an opinion — light-hearted or otherwise — about its challenges, heartaches and joys.

Positive Endings

If the thought of the kids sitting ringside when you and your partner go at it leaves you horrified, it's time to brush up on your fair fighting skills.

Divorce. Parents have always worried about its effects on children — and for good reason. For decades, psychologists have observed that many children of divorce mistrust romance and marriage, and demonstrate varieties of fear-based behaviors when they ent

In this study, participants whose parents had divorced had more negative attitudes toward marriage, more positive attitudes toward divorce, and in general a weaker commitment to marriage than participants whose parents hadn't divorced.

Say “Ouch”

Research published in Psychological Science (September 30, 2010) reveals that men apologize less often than women.
Much research has been devoted to discovering the components of a satisfying marital relationship. Typically, researchers measure marital quality by asking spouses to rate their global marital satisfaction, which is defined as “an attitude of greater or lesser favorability toward one’s own marital relationship” (Roach, Frazier & Bowden, 1981, p. 537).

Putting It on the Radar for Families

This article will provide a description of problem gambling, its impact on couple and family relationships, and current family based treatment options. The goal is to raise awareness about problem gambling, and provide families with resources if they are concerned about their own or a family member’s gambling behavior.

Beyond Small Talk

Research out of the University of Arizona and reported in the April 2010 issue of Psychological Science revealed that the happiest people spend about 70 percent more time talking to others in comparison to the least happy people. The happiest people also engage in small talk one third less time than the least happy people. In fact, the happiest people had twice as many substantive conversations as the unhappiest people.

Transition to Parenthood

The transition to parenthood can be an exciting time for couples, full of anticipation and hope for the future. In preparing to become parents, couples often focus on childbirth and childrearing. Hospitals, bookstores, and the Internet offer extensive resources on childbirth, breastfeeding, and infant care. However, less attention is given to the couple’s relationship, and the considerable changes it will experience when a child enters the family.

An "attitude of gratitude" is more than just a catchy phrase when it comes to your relationship.

In studies conducted out of Florida State University, psychology researcher Nathaniel Lambert has found that expressing appreciation to a spouse increases one's dedication to that spouse's well-being.

Does my spouse really "get" me? Does he (or she) understand how I feel — at least some of the time?

Few things are more comforting than the experience of being understood by our primary partner.